Went to a former neighbors 50th Birthday party tonight. Two years ago when they moved both he and she were blindly followed MSM and voted Dem. Had a great discussion with a group at the party about the election, Xiden, and how things are going. Everyone thinks things are not right, they know the election was a fraud and suspect something is happening. Former neighbor hears us talking and is in 100% agreement. He said he couldn’t ignore all the stuff happening. He said it was like everything Joe is doing is magnifying the good that Trump did. I shit you not, I said I had to use the rest room and had to force myself not to cry tears of joy. This is the first time I’ve been around regular random people who were previously asleep and who not only agreed with our views but, brought it up first. This was the best kind of hopeium.
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Elections are worthless until the military administers them. If the military takes control at some point and orders a re-vote, I'll happily wait in line for hours to cast my paper ballot with a serial number. I'll be happy to bring my passport, driver license, bank statement and Social Security card.
Elections are a feature of corporate organizations. Prior to the Civil War, America didn't have elections. The globalists offered a "right to vote" in exchange for corporate US citizenship, which allowed them to start taxing Americans again. If you remember, America fought for its independence over taxes.
You can expatriate yourself from their corporate system and become an American.
Bullshit - double posting moron. The US has always had elections. At first they were by voice vote at a public meeting. That changed to color coded ballots during the 1800's. Neither of those voting mechanisms were anonymous, and were subject to a lot of intimidation.
The current secret anonymous voting started in the 1890's, copying one of the Australian provinces.
Suit yourself. Sovereignty and no taxes isn't for everyone.