Went to a former neighbors 50th Birthday party tonight. Two years ago when they moved both he and she were blindly followed MSM and voted Dem. Had a great discussion with a group at the party about the election, Xiden, and how things are going. Everyone thinks things are not right, they know the election was a fraud and suspect something is happening. Former neighbor hears us talking and is in 100% agreement. He said he couldn’t ignore all the stuff happening. He said it was like everything Joe is doing is magnifying the good that Trump did. I shit you not, I said I had to use the rest room and had to force myself not to cry tears of joy. This is the first time I’ve been around regular random people who were previously asleep and who not only agreed with our views but, brought it up first. This was the best kind of hopeium.
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"Absolute despotism"
Not "light and transient causes" or "abuses still sufferable."
Those are words in the Declaration of Independence, and those are words Q has cited multiple times.
Think about what is still "sufferable" & let it sink in what "absolute despotism" really means.
Maybe we need the hard times to make us strong again.
My mom always said.."you have to come up hungry". Nobody appreciates anything that they get easily. Best way to see the difference is right where we are now.....
I think we are seeing "absolute despotism" in the form of this ridiculous Covid package that has passed in the house. They are cramming this abomination through with zero bipartisan agreement. The Swamp is clearly back in control...
My family are immigrants from Poland. If you know anything about the history of Poland...
I found/still find a lot of Americans' perspectives (of those beyond 1st gen & sometimes those 1st gens who have been sheltered from their families' pasts) are skewed by how good they as a society in general have had it historically & even recently in comparison to the vast majority of other experiences, even with all things under the table considered. I saw a similar thing happening in Western Europe & other parts of The Western World, since The Western World benefitted a lot from America's good times & protections.
The effect is sort of like how a child thinks that a deep scratch or cut is the absolute worst pain because they have never experienced mangled muscles & broken bones. They have only ever been scratched before, so when they get that deep scratch or slice, which is the worst they could have ever imagined, they feel more harmed than they really are & they cannot understand why they are not getting the sympathy or quick protective action that they feel they deserve from their fathers. But their fathers before them & the children who have had more of those experiences & the perspective that comes along with it know how much worse it can really be & how minor a harm it is in reality.
America is now in a transitional stage of growing pains where it is starting to witness or receive the experiences that prove how minor previous offences were (& along with it, the perspective of how they were weak & how it was being used against them). They are starting to get more awareness of how bad things can really be, without fully understanding (though better understanding) what truly is the worst. The closer we get to the worst, the more & more will awaken realizing we seriously don't actually want to get there. The quickest learners, future thinkers, & more aware are figuring it out first, but the slowest learners, sensory experiencers, & deep sleepers will be the very last. Those will only jump ship when it is already underwater & they are in it to their necks (& some of them may even miss the lifeboat).
America hasn't seen absolute despotism yet, at least not on public display for all to see. We are much closer than we ever have been, and we have seen real despotism, but we aren't quite at absolute despotism. Not yet.
We have yet to take the fall that will very quickly take us there, but we are certainly very, very close to it's precipice.
TOGETHER we will defeat this evil that is upon us. May God bless all the Patriots who are willing to put their lives on the line for this country. We will not go gently into that good night.