I don't remember the dream. I just woke up knowing that the fence in DC is ment for us... When they try to make their gun grab moves, they think the fence and NG will protect them. They won't. When they try to take the guns it will be the tipping point for America. I THINK this is the precipice the Q drops were referring to. This action by the DS will cause the largest standing army the world has ever seen to be drawn to DC and other state capitals. When we inevitably confront the military (and we will) do NOT take up arms against our soldiers. Instead, confront them in love and remind them of the oath they have sworn. Demand that those woh have shredded the constitution they swore to defend be held to account to the people.
I sincerely hope it doesn't come to this. My hope is that the Military does the right thing and steps in before it reaches this point.
I really hope it does not come to this as well. My Bible tells me they have every ingredient they need for the end times to begin, but I have a 4 year old daughter that makes me want so desperately to trust this plan, because I want to see her to grow up. So torn. God, family, and country. I will fight to death for all three.
I think we are approaching the end times but not there yet - Jesus said that the Church would do greater things than he did and this has not happened.
The Word says Jesus is coming back for a Bride that is spotless and without blemish, This clearly does not describe the Church in 2021.
A quick read of the book of revelations shows that the trumpets have not been sounded . . . Yet
Have hope and look to our Savior and the Written word with Prayers.
What did you eat for supper last night?
Steak and eggs. Some ice cream for dessert
Shitloads of innocent people die in you scenario. This is not the way.
I agree. I THINK this is the way the DS WANTS it to play out. Because then they can claim the coup attempt against them and call for foreign aid.
I am not trying to argue with you at all, but I do not for one second believe the fence is for us. Trump, not the democrats, put the fences in place, and Trump & the military are in control, not the democrats.
You are correct, I believe also that Trump and patriots are in control, though I think DS ntend to attempt to use the fence for their own purpose. Moves&counter moves...
it's a demonstration of power, it says keep out, it's a message to the pretend government and bogus President, that their toybox is out of bounds to them.
This is what I would expect if Biden really did have power and they tried to make that kinda move. I don't think they have that sort of power and as desperate as they are I don't think they're THAT delusional as to think such a plan would go smoothly.
Has our Lord and Savior clearly revealed his face to you in a vision? has our Lord and Savior spoken to you face to face in a dream? These are the unequivocal signs you have the calling of a Prophet.
Please tell us about your past prophetic words that have been fulfilled so we know how to weigh what you posted this morning
The context of me asking this is to help put it in perspective - many people are on the precipice of hopelessness and ready to give up. If your post is speculation and not from our Creator (as your post heading implies) then please clarify the point)
I unconditionally support all who call themselves Christian :)
I do not claim to be a prophet and you do not need to be one for God to grant revelation of information that already exists. By that I mean, the fact that NG is still in DC in large force and the fence is still up. The fact that they are pushing gun grabbing legislation. The fact that people are waking up to the truth of what the DS is doing to this nation. These factors lead to a very few outcomes.
Correct, One does not have to have a prophets calling to manifest Spiritual Gifts.
The headline "God laid this on my heart . . ." Led me to believe you were sharing a vision or word from our Creator. Care should be taken to not confuse others about the difference between ones speculation, and Divine Revelation.
Pissing you off . . . not my intent.
The opposition already thinks of Q fans as lunatics, Bringing Jesus into the fray is something we should all be concerned about
Remember god doesn't speak, the devil speaks. God only shows signs. If God speaks to you it is the devil trying to deceive. All thoughts are of the devil.
Never said God "spoke" to me... I woke up with this racing through my mind. I typed it up lost it twice and almost walked away from posting. But I was not at peace with that. So I typed it up again. I am much more at ease now.
Wasn't god, thoughts come from the devil.
Visions aren't words though...
I don't know why this is downvoted. You speak truth. Bring all thoughts into captivity. Doubt every thought. Withdraw attention from the devil and know Peace.
Exactly. I'm not saying he is wrong I am just reminding people how easy you can be to be tricked by the devil if you don't understand these things. The devil wants you to overreact.
So what was that burning bush thing all about, anyway? Stop making shit up.