posted ago by BerlinWallCrosser ago by BerlinWallCrosser +214 / -0

I have my DVR set to record POTUS off 3 different channels in case any censorship is attempted. I am also going to record his speech on my laptop and on an iPad. A lot of people are waiting to hear what the true winner of the election has to say. Will he state, “A storm is upon us!”? I would like to hear this. If he doesn’t, does that mean it’s all over? No. The patriots may have more work ahead of them before the pain is inflicted. I, for one, am not going to datefag. I find Lynn Woods post the day before POTUS’ speech to be bold and give hope. If POTUS follows up on this, great. If not, I will not become a concernfag. I will keep fighting this fight by gathering information, posting what I think is worth sharing, and red pill those in my circle. Though, I taught math for over 40 years, I am not going to link some numbers to a Q post and try to find some meaning. I do have to admit though that some of you frens have found some good ones that proved to be significant. What I will do today, is listen intently to the man who won the last Presidential election in a landslide by first winning the hearts of the people in our great republic and give him my support in any way I can. Mr. President, despite my age, I am ready to serve.