962 If any of you are still having doubts, check out this Lin Wood tweet ! (media.greatawakening.win) NCSWIC posted 3 years ago by bubble_bursts 3 years ago by bubble_bursts +965 / -3 199 comments download share 199 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Just fyi - How you get to 14.95% -- hotel rooms are a service that general sales tax does not apply to, and there is usually a separate law specifying the hotel rate tax. In Georgia they also add a fee.
So the general sales tax is irrelevant and there is a specific tax rate for hotel rooms listed here: https://cfo.dc.gov/page/tax-rates-and-revenues-sales-and-use-taxes-alcoholic-beverage-taxes-and-tobacco-taxes
Still, good writeup, no coincidences here.
Thank you, that one was driving me crazy!
No problem!