Hi, Frens! Maybe someone has already started this, but we need a running list of based, Patriot-run businesses to support. Please add to the list!
Goya beans
Hi, Frens! Maybe someone has already started this, but we need a running list of based, Patriot-run businesses to support. Please add to the list!
Goya beans
Here's a link to some of the non patriot companies including the banks. Anyone got the list of companies that stopped selling My Pillow ?
The banks.....we shouId never forget what they did to Trump......we need to have some payback where it hurts.....right in their pocket book. The one thing banks hate is SILVER.....honest money. If all Trump supporters just bought a few ounces of silver the DOWN GOES THE BANKS.....they could not fulfill their contracts! We should vote with our dollars....I Mean Vote with Our Silver .....I've attached a link...... https://youtu.be/T_uEraSUbio
here's the link