I could use some help with a friend that I would like to red pill. They wrote the following email and there is hope for this person (logical thinker). I would love the best sources on the COVID scam and credible data on the real death toll.
"Per our discussion:
Could Coronavirus Cause as Many Deaths as Cancer in the U.S.? Putting Estimates in Context - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Notice the third article which includes annual deaths from normal causes was written March last year – the Covid death toll is now over 500,000 in a year now. While some say that is an overcount since some deaths have been ruled as covid related even when that was far-fetched (victim of car crash who happened to have tested positive), there are also claims of an undercount since there were not enough tests in the first few months to know for sure"
There is a federal suit against CDC stating their actions changing death recording methods illegally nationwide caused COVID death totals to be increased by 1600%.