Epstein files. Silent. Where are they?
- Weiner’s laptop. The Insurance files. Silent. Where are they?
- Hunter’s laptop. Silent. Where are they?
- Mike Lindell’s absolute proof. Silent. Who has it?
- Italy public announcement of Election rigging. Silent. Where is it?
- Bannon and China’s three disks with all the blackmail files. Silent. Where is it?
- Jessie Smollet case. What happened. Where is it?
- Declassed files. Silent. Who has it?
- The Kraken evidence. Silent. Who has it?
- The U.S. still borrows all the money instead of printing it. Silent. Why?
- John Durham. MIA. Why?
- 911 report was proven to be wrong, scientifically impossible. Silent. Why?
- Hillary is still alive and free. Why?
- “We have it all.” Silent. Who is “we”? Not us. Why?
- “The Military is the only way.” Military silent. When? Why?
- Hypocrisy is alive and well. Why?
- The China virus has NEVER published or produced the actual virus. Never found. Silence. Why?
- Many States broke laws and violated the Constitution during past two elections. Silence. Why?
- Whistleblowers all over the place from the Vatican to Big Tech. Silence. Why?
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What happened to that list of CCP agents that had infiltrated companies all over the globe. Like 1 million of their names, addresses, phone numbers, organizations lol