Epstein files. Silent. Where are they?
- Weiner’s laptop. The Insurance files. Silent. Where are they?
- Hunter’s laptop. Silent. Where are they?
- Mike Lindell’s absolute proof. Silent. Who has it?
- Italy public announcement of Election rigging. Silent. Where is it?
- Bannon and China’s three disks with all the blackmail files. Silent. Where is it?
- Jessie Smollet case. What happened. Where is it?
- Declassed files. Silent. Who has it?
- The Kraken evidence. Silent. Who has it?
- The U.S. still borrows all the money instead of printing it. Silent. Why?
- John Durham. MIA. Why?
- 911 report was proven to be wrong, scientifically impossible. Silent. Why?
- Hillary is still alive and free. Why?
- “We have it all.” Silent. Who is “we”? Not us. Why?
- “The Military is the only way.” Military silent. When? Why?
- Hypocrisy is alive and well. Why?
- The China virus has NEVER published or produced the actual virus. Never found. Silence. Why?
- Many States broke laws and violated the Constitution during past two elections. Silence. Why?
- Whistleblowers all over the place from the Vatican to Big Tech. Silence. Why?
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Good dooming. :). A few problems. You were forced to use the word "probably" way too much. Therein is the problem. We should not have to guess. We want to know. The evidence, one way or the other exists. Hidden.