We are all well familiar with the concept of a "Deep State". We usually think of this as a group of people, plotting behind the scenes, to do various nefarious activities, and control the destiny of the world. What if the "Deep State" is not a group of people, but actually is just Satan using various people, probably without their even knowing they are being used? I don't believe there are large numbers of actual Satan worshippers who gather to plot how to rule the world, but I don't think it is such a stretch to consider that Satan is using his power to control many of the top money/power people of the world. If this is true, then we should take comfort in knowing that the "Deep State" has already been defeated. Although we would love to see justice occur before our eyes, it's not really our call, is it?
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Many heads attached to the same dragon.
Deep church.
Deep state.
Deep media.
Deep education.
Deep banking.
Deep ....
The enemy corrupts those who will serve him and they, out of fear and manipulation, serve him tirelessly. Where there is deep _____, there is fear, control, destruction, and no love. The deep is comprised of servants of the fallen one. he is the one they serve and there is a tragic number of them.
P.S. God wins. He will not be mocked and He will bring His Kingdom, His will, and His love and establish them on earth as in Heaven