Has the legislature sent anything through to slo-jo to sign? After all prospective laws must be sighed by the President. The EO's are just windrow dressing. Orders that have no legitimacy, but Legislative bills would be a larger charade....
Comments (8)
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Yep. If they have outright control of both houses and the white house, legislation should be flying back and forth shouldn't it? Why no collaboration as of yet? Why aren't Bidan, Shitmer and Piglosi joining hands and celebrating their total control?
That's what I thought!
I am personally not aware of anything. It seems like the new stimulus package supposedly making its way through will be the first one
Biden has signed exactly one bill, HR 335. The bill has exactly one provision, "an exception to a restriction on appointing a Secretary of Defense who, within the past seven years, had been on active duty in a regular component of the armed forces". The provision affects exactly one person, Lloyd Austin, who was allegedly confirmed by Congress the same day, 1/22/21. The confirmation directly affects exactly zero nonmilitary citizens. I suspect it will stay that way.
Live link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/legislation/
I look for it on Congress.gov Thanks. a bit sketchy there give n the deals and his stock holdings....
FDR really liked them 3,719 of them I think. more than any other.