So just killing evil people, although that is not a bad thing, will not destroy evil completely. It just kicks the can down the road so a few years later some new evil people who forget about the evil of the past can repeat the mistakes of the present luciferians.
The only true solution is Jesus Christ. Killing evil people is just a stopgap and does not address the root cause.
So just killing evil people, although that is not a bad thing, will not destroy evil completely. It just kicks the can down the road so a few years later some new evil people who forget about the evil of the past can repeat the mistakes of the present luciferians.
The only true solution is Jesus Christ. Killing evil people is just a stopgap and does not address the root cause.
Evil must ALWAYS exist. It just cannot be allowed to rule, as it has been.
It is paramount that public servants remain pure. We cannot leave open opportunities for corruption.
Christ is the only way.
Yes, Christ showed mankind exactly how to walk in God's footsteps.