It's not any kind of adrenochrome. It's dry bits of bullshit.
To the hydrchloric acid in your stomach, it's no different than ground-mouse or powdered snake (which I'm sure you can get too, and probably are much of the time). The Chinese "alternative medicine" crowd blow their life-savings on this garbage. And cigarettes. Because pills solve lung cancer.
The whole point of adrenochrome is that it has to be fresh, and harvested from a living victim. Dried fetus stuff is as worthless as tiger penis and powdered rhino horn. At that point, it's just a capsule full of protein (and probably bacteria).
I mean, it’s not pure adrenochrome
It's not any kind of adrenochrome. It's dry bits of bullshit.
To the hydrchloric acid in your stomach, it's no different than ground-mouse or powdered snake (which I'm sure you can get too, and probably are much of the time). The Chinese "alternative medicine" crowd blow their life-savings on this garbage. And cigarettes. Because pills solve lung cancer.
It’s made, in part, from dead babies.
The whole point of adrenochrome is that it has to be fresh, and harvested from a living victim. Dried fetus stuff is as worthless as tiger penis and powdered rhino horn. At that point, it's just a capsule full of protein (and probably bacteria).