So A is replaced by the triangle a.k.a. the Delta.
There's only one letter before the first Delta, which gives us 1, then we go down til we reach the next Delta, which gives us 36, then this part I'm not sure if we should continue onto the next "slide" or stop right there.
So if we stop right there on the current slide, we have either:
1, 36, 6 or we have 1366?
But if we continue onto the next "slide", we will have 28 (6 from previous slide, "TIMELY" then continuing on the next slide, we have 22).
Obviously Q drops doesn't go past 10,000, because we would have 13,628 so it could be 1, 36, 28? Do we add them up? On each slide or altogether?
I may be reaching here but when I first saw the deltas, the first thing that came into mind was the delimiter thing.
Just throwing something here.
What if Delta serves as a delimiter?
For example, in the first one,
So A is replaced by the triangle a.k.a. the Delta.
There's only one letter before the first Delta, which gives us 1, then we go down til we reach the next Delta, which gives us 36, then this part I'm not sure if we should continue onto the next "slide" or stop right there.
So if we stop right there on the current slide, we have either:
1, 36, 6 or we have 1366?
But if we continue onto the next "slide", we will have 28 (6 from previous slide, "TIMELY" then continuing on the next slide, we have 22).
Obviously Q drops doesn't go past 10,000, because we would have 13,628 so it could be 1, 36, 28? Do we add them up? On each slide or altogether?
I may be reaching here but when I first saw the deltas, the first thing that came into mind was the delimiter thing.