Think about it...
We have never heard of any of this information about Dominion or Smartomatic stuff ever... yet I have heard it all the time, that elections were rigged.
Trump gets into office, and BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOMDIGGIDY BOYS!! We have declassification of mass proportions everywhere from JFK to "The Finders" to even the Tesla Files themselves! Hell even the Q boards were a MASSIVE public disclosure to these fuckaroos fuckery.
You also had the Creation of Space Force which in many peoples opinion, another soft disclosure of things that were already happening behind the scenes.
Would it not be so surprising to find out that this ENTIRE FUCKING SHERAID was planned??
My guess is... these child diddling fart knocking fuck nuggets have been rigging elections for A LONG FUCKING WHILE NOW.
Difference this time around is... we have MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE, which we never had before.
Votes changing in the middle of the election ON LIVE TV FEED...
Republican ballot checkers not allowed in... poster board too!
Thousands of SWORN AFFIDAFITS...
Video of suitcases with illegal ballots...
The shit show of mass fuckery is all on huge display for everyone to see... hell even if you have a bias towards the dems, you gotta be scratching your head at the evidence when you see it.
I dont see them gloating or throwing it in Trumps face that they won with a big FUCK YOU LOSER, like you know they would be doing if shit was really going the way they wanted it to go.
There is something up.
None of this passes the smell test... NONE OF IT!
From Xidens inauguation seeming to be faked and done in different times... what with the weather going cloudy to sunny to light shining on one side to the other... ITS ALL REALLY FUCKING WIERD.
And did you catch the 17 EXECUTIVE ORDERS on Pedo Joes first day???
This fuckwad has a hard on for little kids SO HARD it makes Michael Jackson blush.
So yeah... this all has to be a movie... hell even Q said it to be so.
Dont worry about the SC either... one of 2 things will come out of that.
Never in the history of election have their been NO COURTS WILLING TO SEE THE EVIDENCE. Courts corrupt TO THE TOP, military steps in.
Military is already trying this case in Tribunals, and SC not going to step on a case that is already being taken care of.
Yeah, but what do you REALLY think? JK great rant, I feel your pain...
I think about sandwiches all the time, and it's time for Swiss & turkey on rye.
So much weirdness tells me something is going on and much of it appears to be orchestrated, which fits with the perspective that it's being done according to someone's plan. Given the stupidity that's been coming out of DC and certain state governors, I question it being their plan. I've seen the Dems run operations in the past, and they were always pretty clandestine, such that we only knew about them after the fact from someone digging around in the details. Never have I seen them do things that are as obvious as all the inconsistencies and power grabs demonstrated in their virus operation, and what's going on now looks like more of the same.
It would be the only realistic explanation for a few things IMO. Especially the strange ways that certain things have just happened to work out in just the right way for this or that thing to happen.
Any time there's more than one coincidence involved with something, we must pay strict attention to it.
I would absolutely believe that everything involved here was a plan with an endgame of A. 100% removal of communist agents woven throughout every industry and B. Full disclosure of anything that has been or could be used to blackmail the US by communist regimes.
Why the whole theatrical performance about it? Well maybe that has to do with the communist agents in each industry (including military) that would get ahead of it and purposefully screw up the plan. It has to appear natural.
Just a thought but it would make a lot of coincidence make sense. Sorry for being a bit vague I just woke up up.
And stop calling me Sheraidly.
Slim Sheraidly?
Lol I came to say this and give props for the phrase "fuckaroos fuckery"??
I believe that’s the name of an Australian fast-food restaurant chain.
HAHAHA!!! Thank you sir.
I charitably figured he did that on purpose, phonetically spelling that word precisely how he wanted it to be pronounced for maximum effect.
Everything else seemed to be spelled fine. I think he knows full well how to spell “charade”, but made an artistic decision to go a different route. I, for one, liked it.
That which I could follow, I pretty much agreed with.
I like where your heads at fren!
In theory I don’t doubt that past voter fraud would be presented along with current voter fraud.