posted ago by Judesama ago by Judesama +64 / -0

Think about it...

We have never heard of any of this information about Dominion or Smartomatic stuff ever... yet I have heard it all the time, that elections were rigged.

Trump gets into office, and BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOMDIGGIDY BOYS!! We have declassification of mass proportions everywhere from JFK to "The Finders" to even the Tesla Files themselves! Hell even the Q boards were a MASSIVE public disclosure to these fuckaroos fuckery.

You also had the Creation of Space Force which in many peoples opinion, another soft disclosure of things that were already happening behind the scenes.

Would it not be so surprising to find out that this ENTIRE FUCKING SHERAID was planned??

My guess is... these child diddling fart knocking fuck nuggets have been rigging elections for A LONG FUCKING WHILE NOW.

Difference this time around is... we have MOUNTAINS OF EVIDENCE, which we never had before.

Votes changing in the middle of the election ON LIVE TV FEED...

Republican ballot checkers not allowed in... poster board too!


Thousands of SWORN AFFIDAFITS...

Video of suitcases with illegal ballots...


The shit show of mass fuckery is all on huge display for everyone to see... hell even if you have a bias towards the dems, you gotta be scratching your head at the evidence when you see it.

I dont see them gloating or throwing it in Trumps face that they won with a big FUCK YOU LOSER, like you know they would be doing if shit was really going the way they wanted it to go.

There is something up.

None of this passes the smell test... NONE OF IT!

From Xidens inauguation seeming to be faked and done in different times... what with the weather going cloudy to sunny to light shining on one side to the other... ITS ALL REALLY FUCKING WIERD.

And did you catch the 17 EXECUTIVE ORDERS on Pedo Joes first day???

This fuckwad has a hard on for little kids SO HARD it makes Michael Jackson blush.

So yeah... this all has to be a movie... hell even Q said it to be so.

Dont worry about the SC either... one of 2 things will come out of that.

  1. Never in the history of election have their been NO COURTS WILLING TO SEE THE EVIDENCE. Courts corrupt TO THE TOP, military steps in.

  2. Military is already trying this case in Tribunals, and SC not going to step on a case that is already being taken care of.