Don’t worry, Brennan, you aren’t even a human anyway. You are a caveman. You are Unfrozen Caveman Commie.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the tribunal, I am but a mere unfrozen caveman commie and do not understand your modern laws against wiretapping Presidential candidates and committing what you people call a ‘coup’ against a duly elected government. Where I come from, ‘coup’ is a sound a bird makes. They fly around going coo coo, coo coo.”
Don’t worry, Brennan, you aren’t even a human anyway. You are a caveman. You are Unfrozen Caveman Commie.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the tribunal, I am but a mere unfrozen caveman commie and do not understand your modern laws against wiretapping Presidential candidates and committing what you people call a ‘coup’ against a duly elected government. Where I come from, ‘coup’ is a sound a bird makes. They fly around going coo coo, coo coo.”