Hello again... So I'm from Professor Toto's Army, First Harvest Ministries, still found in enemy territory You Tube. No, I do not know where Pastor Toto gets this information but I do know that he does not lie so as far as he knows this is the truth if you can confirm please do.
So the AZ Senate apparently is getting some cold feet a forensic audit is expensive they are considering do an RANDOM SELECTION audit of about 10% votes from the 2020 election. Ok if you think that's fine great. If you do not think that's fine you are going to have to call again...
Senate Pres Karen Fann (602)926-5874, Thomas Shope (602)926-3012, Benedict Arnold I mean Paul Boyer (602)926-4173 (try to be nice he is new maybe he doesn't know), Rick Gray(602)926-5413.
I just want to state here even the peacock reported the [FAKE] RUSSIAN COLLUSION PROBE, they don't say fake, cost us $32 estimated million so I don't know the price tag they are considering but yeah...
God help us they are BLIND and STILL AFRIAD of the OLD public opinion. Call me crazy but these Republicans can't seem to understand that the lines are drawn, um you not getting the Democrats to come to your side cause they ain't coming you not going to get the MSM to stop slamming you cause that won't happen. I called today and I told them that neck is already stuck out you go 100% you only gain followers. You go 10% you only lose followers. I heard it on the radio the other day long time political scientist "Trump can't lead party because of the fraud lie he will lose too many people". What people??? The only people AZ Senate can lose if they do the 100% is people they were never going to gain. Their opponents will fuel the fine with "they wasted money" but they are vicious and were going to do that anyway.