I can't even count on 1 hand anymore how many volcanos have erupted since Jan 20th alone. I remember reading that when Mt. St. Helens erupted it created more carbon in the atmosphere in 7 days than humans had for over the 100 years. Now they need a reason for this green new deal and the Paris agreement, and they have the green light, and all the sudden volcano after volcano erupting this year.
This is today: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/lw0e7j/mount_sinabung_volcano_erupts_as_seen_from_kuta/
If anything I think the volcanic activity is more a sign from God than anything else. He's telling us He's getting really ticked, and that it's time to repent.
Or it could also be that the earth is just being particularly active in the mantle and spewing out more magma because of plate shifts.
Either one I would buy.