If this passage had any truth to it, I think it does lend credence to the military taking their time and applying due diligence to make sure any of these weapons could be identified and disabled to prevent any mass loss of life. It's crazy to think about.
As soon as I heard that tackling the cabal in Israel was saved for last, that's where my mind went. I didn't know about protocol number 9 though. Thanks.
That's interesting, I hadn't heard about the Samson option as a nuclear last resort to take every attacker down with Israel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samson_Option
If this passage had any truth to it, I think it does lend credence to the military taking their time and applying due diligence to make sure any of these weapons could be identified and disabled to prevent any mass loss of life. It's crazy to think about.
As soon as I heard that tackling the cabal in Israel was saved for last, that's where my mind went. I didn't know about protocol number 9 though. Thanks.
It's just a variation of the MAD doctrine I suppose.
Yeah that makes sense.
Something was under the 3 WTC towers I suppose