Texas Gov. Abbott just announced all businesses are to open 100% capacity, and NO MORE MASK MANDATE!
This was just announced live. I'll post a link or video or something as soon as I can find it.
March 10th
His wording was weird, though, so I am betting a lot of people will start ditching the masks this week lol
Although I’m now homeschooling, I wonder if public schools will now get back to normal, too. No more temp checks at the door, sitting 4 to a table at lunch, etc? Also, will stores now remove all their plexiglass??
I’m excited, but also wondering how many businesses will still require you to wear a mask. Won’t be shopping at those places.
We turn on a dime when we're hassled at a business.
And no going back
This right here...
I wonder this as well. But even normal for public school includes common core and marxist indoctrination, so your kids are still much better off learning from you :)
I'm hoping that people will start ignoring the businesses that "require" it. It's going to be hard for them to stop everyone. I hope for so much confusion that it makes it so much of a hassle for them to enforce it that they just give up lol
Oh wait a minute, I think it ends tomorrow lol.
Oh good lol!!!