Actually i see just downvotes but i don't care, will give my 2 cents, i'm not a flat earther BUT, just last days, digging down on Nikola Tesla / Antarctica, i found out really a lot of interesting stuffs, also, if we take in consideration all the major old religions / creeds / maps and stuff, for them that was almost certain, plus that would link well to Antarctica / ice wall stuff (not gonna dive in the Summer Gate theory but well, as everything we know is fake, that could exist as well, could be from where GOT toke some stuffs...)
Let's remember that, all the "recent" discoveries of the last ca 1500 years, have all been made by Freemasons that literally said " we shape the way you learn story " or something similar, like Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Einstein himself too was a freemason, so honestly i take the right to doubt on anything
said so, as I was looking up Tesla studies about free energy and universe (That's one of the starting point that brought me down hundreds of holes in a bunch of days), polarity and magnetic fields, make me open also to a hybrid hypothesis, that the earth could be not flat nor rounded, but a toroid, that would explain the aurora borealis as well
Actually i see just downvotes but i don't care, will give my 2 cents, i'm not a flat earther BUT, just last days, digging down on Nikola Tesla / Antarctica, i found out really a lot of interesting stuffs, also, if we take in consideration all the major old religions / creeds / maps and stuff, for them that was almost certain, plus that would link well to Antarctica / ice wall stuff (not gonna dive in the Summer Gate theory but well, as everything we know is fake, that could exist as well, could be from where GOT toke some stuffs...)
Let's remember that, all the "recent" discoveries of the last ca 1500 years, have all been made by Freemasons that literally said " we shape the way you learn story " or something similar, like Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Einstein himself too was a freemason, so honestly i take the right to doubt on anything
said so, as I was looking up Tesla studies about free energy and universe (That's one of the starting point that brought me down hundreds of holes in a bunch of days), polarity and magnetic fields, make me open also to a hybrid hypothesis, that the earth could be not flat nor rounded, but a toroid, that would explain the aurora borealis as well