Bannon is going all out for Israel love right now. Jews the most persecuted race ever. Shock horror "Jews have been accused of having white privilege" says one guest! (Some say critical race theory frequently deployed by Jews!?) This is a bit tone deaf frankly - People require explanation of the WHY. What happened? It's no good pretending there are no bad people out there who are (claiming to be?) Jews and that Jews have never done anything wrong. This is just far too simplistic. If we want Jews to be treated with the same respect as everyone deserves then it must be time to recognise and discuss how the situation has arisen. Or shall we just pretend that Anti-semitism is just a delusion based on nothing? where is the bad information? what are the lies that have led to this? Surely you can only combat it as an unfair slander on a whole body of people if you recognise at the very least that there are bad people pretending to be Jews? Personally I would like to know what the true situation is because he is right there is a lot of anti-semitism out there - but why? Irrational hate is not a good enough explanation. Explain it.
Does anyone see the point I am making? or am I an anti-semite? I never understood this. Is the problem the religion/ethnicity muddle you get into with the word Jew? To me, as a Christian, if someone was committing moral crimes and claiming to be a Christian, I would say they are not Christian. Fake Christians. But if there are Europeans committing crime, I can accept they are criminal Europeans. Is it as simple as that? People mistake what criminal ethnic Jews do as a religious code? So explain that... I don't think the issue gets the airing it needs, but I don't see much candid explaining of it. It can seem like there are bad Jews who DO follow the traditional religious code - and I think this might lead to the confusion. Surely the best thing to do to end anti-semitism is to denounce and reject criminal Jews from the faith of Judaism. Expulsion from Jewry-the-religion in the same way that criminals are not permitted to legitimately claim to be following Christ until they repent, I am not hearing that in these discussions. It is all confusing and must be very distressing to have people point at criminals and label it your religion in operation, if your religion does not allow for that behavior. What is the truth of the matter?
Yes, I noted the point about entire ethnic groups. And I note the "chosen" designation. There is also "...which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie... They Are the Synagogue of Satan"
But I do not hear about this from Jews - are they unaware of people calling themselves Jews (who are presumably not but) doing things like promoting mass-immigration to Europe. Surely it is them that are generating anti-semitism? - surely it is better for Judaism to force a split and to clearly identify the real Jews from the liars? does that happen in Jewish circles? if not why not? Why is anti-semitism blamed on various people but seemingly never on "those who claim to be Jews but are not" ?
I never hear this argument in discussions of anti-semiteism - why not? just seems to be denials that they even exist.
I would have thought this is the key to the problem of anti-semitism. People who pretend to be Jews are causing anti-semitism by being criminals and pretending it is because of their Jewishness?