They used to have this. It was called sex education. It was a class specifically dedicated to exactly what your talking about. We leanered about putting on condoms. The dangers of stds. All of that. Its not being taught in todays schools and teenagers having sex with eachother is being more demonized by the day so a lot of kids are just sitting in the dark about sex, scared and confused. Unfortunately its up the parents and who ever controls the school system. We can scream into the ether all we want but at the end of the day those are not our kids to worry about. Thats why our focus should be on the people actually making it worse. For example we should advocate for sex education to come back. Not ban or demonize porn. Solutions not emotional knee jerks.
They used to have this. It was called sex education. It was a class specifically dedicated to exactly what your talking about. We leanered about putting on condoms. The dangers of stds. All of that. Its not being taught in todays schools and teenagers having sex with eachother is being more demonized by the day so a lot of kids are just sitting in the dark about sex, scared and confused. Unfortunately its up the parents and who ever controls the school system. We can scream into the ether all we want but at the end of the day those are not our kids to worry about. Thats why our focus should be on the people actually making it worse. For example we should advocate for sex education to come back. Not ban or demonize porn. Solutions not emotional knee jerks.