the jury is still out on pence's white-hat or black-hatness.... based on some recent stories... i'm leaning more towards black-hat... unless proven otherwise with 100% certainty that pence is good. there's been too many stories about him and ryan colluding against Trump... too many stories about pence having underage boylovers... if it looks like a duck... quacks like a duck... it must be a ..... dare i say... DUCK!
the jury is still out on pence's white-hat or black-hatness.... based on some recent stories... i'm leaning more towards black-hat... unless proven otherwise with 100% certainty that pence is good. there's been too many stories about him and ryan colluding against Trump... too many stories about pence having underage boylovers... if it looks like a duck... quacks like a duck... it must be a ..... dare i say... DUCK!