Hi All,
I remember reading an article on here a while back that COVID19 had not been successfully isolated yet in a lab.
I came across this article here which seems to outline the process and includes photo's of the isolated particle.
What confuses me the most is the section on Whole-Genome-Sequencing and the use of PCRs. It's hard enough to follow the jargon but this section made me wonder if they actually isolated COVID19 or assembled it themselves.
So has COVID 19 been isolated yet? If NO (as this article indicates it has been) why is this article incorrect?
it's late so I'm off to bed otherwise I'd seek it out. I'd heard enough from seemingly credible sources that the wu flu hasn't been isolated. someone on GAW in the past few days or possibly within a week replied to the clain it had been isolated with what seemed to be a solid argument generally suggesting that the size if the viral chain, molecular bond, or something along these lines, wasn't long enough to ever qualify the data as having truly isolated it
not a strong argument I know, but it's some crumbs to get one started