posted ago by LiberalTearFiend ago by LiberalTearFiend +52 / -0

I have been working for the Professor I Used to have TA'ing in 2 different classes. Pretty liberal guy and absolutely hates Trump although he said he couldn't and was glad he didn't vote for Biden. He has his PhD and Im helping teach a 400 level class in Evolutionary Biology. His PhD and research has to do with speciation so combined with being an evolutionary biologist he has been a great resource in establishing the True origins of COVID-19 I convinced him back around October 2020 this is not a natural or zoonotic virus but the evidence and argument continues to grow. Most recently I brought to him the idea that the identical glycoproteins 41 and 120 are additional proof this Virus was modified in a lab and when we met yesterday he also brought up Big Pharma use of this for vaccine development against HIV. At the end I was like you really need to speak up and let me help give you a platform because with your background you would be very convincing to people who don't want to look into the research itself. He told me look, I want too but this wouldn't be the first time I have learned about the ramifications of going up against the system. He proceeded to tell me about a colleague he worked with when 9/11 when that happened and how they collected a bunch of dust and used magnets to isolate things from it. He told me they found a bunch of micro-thermite in it and that when they performed test on it with a calorimeter and whatnot they said it had more energy capacity than what was reported on military thermite at the time. He said the paper ended up getting published at BYU but he watched the other professor get canceled and had his funding cut etc. Anyway it blew my mind and I was surprised by the people that are actually in our corner against the NWO and corruption. Originally he thought the lab origin theory was unlikely but not like me is 100% convinced and has also informed 2 semesters worth of students on his analysis of COVID's origins and the importance of free speech. The people you think may be the most left can also be red-pilled especially one on one and have there own crazy experiences and info in the same battle.