posted ago by username20 ago by username20 +25 / -0

Lots of media are reporting on Q lately, and I use the word reporting as lightly as possible. Somehow everyone and their mother knows that tomorrow is a big day for Q followers. Lets take a logical approach to what is happening:

Isn't it very odd that for a mere 'conspiracy theory', where the left has seemingly already won, and where Q hasn't posted in nearly 3 months, that the public awareness of Q appears to be at an all-time high? Why bother at all? The people who do watch the MSM already don't believe in Q, and the people who don't watch it obviously don't care what they say.

I think the explanation is actually rather simple: Nothing will happen tomorrow, not even a false flag event. In swoops the MSM with the headlines saying Q has been officially proven to be fake, trying to proclaim some kind of victory.

How pathetic would that be? I can smell the left's desperation from here. They know the walls are closing in. There is no doubt that the great awakening is already upon us.