"You won't go to prison over (fill in name of techno-babble), because you're innocent until proven guilty."
--Because if there's one thing that a grand-jury loves to do, it's indict a ham-sandwich, and if there's one thing that a state technical witness loves to do, it's keep his sweet gig going.
Example: "bite-mark" "experts" had been putting people in prison for thirty years, and it was all bullshit. Juries are preferentially-selected to the mouth-breathing imbeciles who do whatever they're told 98% of the time.
The very idea that deepfake software is somehow a crucial component of eliminating the deep state is absurd. EITHER patriots are in control because they've already been winning since 2015 without need of said software, or they are not (in which case we're living inside a psyop dream that will end badly when the US goes full commie, and we're rounded up).
"You won't go to prison over (fill in name of techno-babble), because you're innocent until proven guilty."
--Because if there's one thing that a grand-jury loves to do, it's indict a ham-sandwich, and if there's one thing that a state technical witness loves to do, it's keep his sweet gig going.
Example: "bite-mark" "experts" had been putting people in prison for thirty years, and it was all bullshit. Juries are preferentially-selected to the mouth-breathing imbeciles who do whatever they're told 98% of the time.
The very idea that deepfake software is somehow a crucial component of eliminating the deep state is absurd. EITHER patriots are in control because they've already been winning since 2015 without need of said software, or they are not (in which case we're living inside a psyop dream that will end badly when the US goes full commie, and we're rounded up).