Fauci’s mask slipped. Not the one you’re thinking about.
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It's not a mask. The masks used in Hollywood all go below the neck. This is not a mask. It's a deep fake. The CGI face is not meshing with the actors clothing properly.
Could it be he just had a lot of extra skin on his neck that is being pushed up by his tight collar?
Did we just watch the same video?
You should do a little research on deep fakes if you can't see it.
I did, and deep fake was my first thought. But that looks like a 2016 deep fake, haven't they gotten WAY better (tom cruise deep fakes).
I'm just saying this for argument sake.
They're not at the top of their game right now. Lol
Could be sloppy work or even an intentional act by white hats. Who knows? I don't. I only know that it's not a mask, it's a deep fake