If you have kids, start there. DON'T let the government, or their schools, or their friends, or the internet teach your kids about sex. Pay attention to what your kids are doing, who they're friends with, what their interests are, what they're doing on their phones (although if you ask me, kids shouldn't have unfettered access to the internet through a phone at all, not until 16 or 17 anyway, and even that seems like too early). Be INVOLVED in your kids lives! YOU should be raising them and teaching them right from wrong, NOT the government.
If you have kids, start there. DON'T let the government, or their schools, or their friends, or the internet teach your kids about sex. Pay attention to what your kids are doing, who they're friends with, what their interests are, what they're doing on their phones (although if you ask me, kids shouldn't have unfettered access to the internet through a phone at all, not until 16 or 17 anyway, and even that seems like too early). Be INVOLVED in your kids lives! YOU should be raising them and teaching them right from wrong, NOT the government.