Here is a live feed of the activity. Now it may seem odd that all the rest of the cameras have been turned off. And that the White House is lit up with flood lights every night until lights out at 11:00 PM Eastern time.
But I assure you, it is a real beehive of activity, people coming and going all day long! Joseph Stealing is really in there performing the business of the President!
Why you just missed Queen Elizabeth! Better check in from time to time to see all the presidential business taking place. Which is happening all the time. Was that the Pope! Agh you missed him! Click now before his pope mobile gets out of view!
The flatulence from cattle is caused by corn feed subsidies that deprive their meat of Omega-3. Simply allowing cattle to eat grass, or supplementing their diet with flax seed will omit their emissions and improve the heath of both the animal and the consumer.
This is corn that can be used for energy independence through the production of alcohol, or to fortify beverages. As well as making a great feed for chicken. Or better yet, use the that farmland for the production of hemp.
But what do I know? I don't have a lobbyist that helps me to stuff my pockets with profits, that created this mess in the first place.
I don't know any ranchers that feed corn and we have several large ranches in my family. By large I mean 50 plus square miles each. Lots cows, not one ear.of corn. Milk cows get corn in silage but they get winter rye and alfLpha most of the time. Its not a problem, China is.
Why don't we just casually start mentioning random dates as being somehow important to us and see if they continue to panic every time? I mean, if we can get them to keep canceling sessions of Congress, that has to be a good thing, right?
Exactly. Why not spend billions studying changes in weather and then blame the citizens for creating emissions that are "warming" the planet. How is all of this the fault of the USA? Other countries have an impact. We should just enter an agreement that will unfairly cost our country.
Sarcasm intended.
They should have asked the sports stadiums for all the cardboard people, then the MSM could have showed all “the People” trying to get in as the wind kicks up and blows the pictures away! ?
Look at all those insurrectionist... ?
Here is a live feed of the activity. Now it may seem odd that all the rest of the cameras have been turned off. And that the White House is lit up with flood lights every night until lights out at 11:00 PM Eastern time.
But I assure you, it is a real beehive of activity, people coming and going all day long! Joseph Stealing is really in there performing the business of the President!
Why you just missed Queen Elizabeth! Better check in from time to time to see all the presidential business taking place. Which is happening all the time. Was that the Pope! Agh you missed him! Click now before his pope mobile gets out of view!
Ninja Insurrectionists
Look at all those cloaked stealth anons!
The flatulence from cattle is caused by corn feed subsidies that deprive their meat of Omega-3. Simply allowing cattle to eat grass, or supplementing their diet with flax seed will omit their emissions and improve the heath of both the animal and the consumer.
This is corn that can be used for energy independence through the production of alcohol, or to fortify beverages. As well as making a great feed for chicken. Or better yet, use the that farmland for the production of hemp.
But what do I know? I don't have a lobbyist that helps me to stuff my pockets with profits, that created this mess in the first place.
I don't know any ranchers that feed corn and we have several large ranches in my family. By large I mean 50 plus square miles each. Lots cows, not one ear.of corn. Milk cows get corn in silage but they get winter rye and alfLpha most of the time. Its not a problem, China is.
You live in the United States? They actually use it as a marketing term.
It is branded as "Corn Fed Beef"
The Supermarkets where I live, sell grass fed ground beef at three times the price as corn fed.
Well. I think that goes without saying.
More than one problem can exist simultaneously.
And were the Crazy ones, kek
Wow we are really tearing shit up!
Like good boy scouts we clean up after ourselves, leaving it just how it was before we got there.
Lol right
Why don't we just casually start mentioning random dates as being somehow important to us and see if they continue to panic every time? I mean, if we can get them to keep canceling sessions of Congress, that has to be a good thing, right?
its not a 150 years its 20 years, of course that was 40 years ago
They have the most reliable intel... hehehehe
Well that Q headline took the spotlight of Cuomo - What do they have planned for next headline, since some people are still concentrating on him?
Haha I have to agree with Q "These people ARE stupid!"
“But one climate change has billions of dollars of research and many scientists/studies done over decades!” Is what they would probably claim
Their powers of prediction are only surpassed by their budgetary prowess and mastery of basic economics
Exactly. Why not spend billions studying changes in weather and then blame the citizens for creating emissions that are "warming" the planet. How is all of this the fault of the USA? Other countries have an impact. We should just enter an agreement that will unfairly cost our country. Sarcasm intended.
When the day comes, there won't be a riot, but rather a well planed well orchestrated tactical assault with pinpoint accuracy.
Wow just overwhelmingly unbelievable!
They should have asked the sports stadiums for all the cardboard people, then the MSM could have showed all “the People” trying to get in as the wind kicks up and blows the pictures away! ?
They're terrified of us.... Good
They also think they are running our country. They're not.