They support BLM & Antifa, but Antifa doesn't exist, but they were arrested as part of the Jan 6 riots, but that was false flag Trump supporters ...
Joe claims there was no vaccine, there is evidence that there was, call the 25th amendment ...
Nancy is drunk and slurring, get her to rehab, invoke the 25th ...
AOC has irrational fears of dying that never happened, invoke the 25th ...
Swalwell doesn't even know what country he supports, invoke the 25th ...
These guys have mental issues ...
They support BLM & Antifa, but Antifa doesn't exist, but they were arrested as part of the Jan 6 riots, but that was false flag Trump supporters ...
Joe claims there was no vaccine, there is evidence that there was, call the 25th amendment ... Nancy is drunk and slurring, get her to rehab, invoke the 25th ... AOC has irrational fears of dying that never happened, invoke the 25th ... Swalwell doesn't even know what country he supports, invoke the 25th ...