Some hope. I'm gonna share a very private and intimate message with all of you.
My wife is largely apolitical and her red pill pretty much consisted of just believing that orange man isn't that bad. After the november election I started digging for the truth, discovered Q, took the red pill, discovered pizza gate.
My wife isn't very religious, but she is very spiritual with a strong sixth sense, if that makes sense.
I walked away from God a decade ago. Discovering how deep evil truly goes sent me back to him. I haven't told my wife much, just little bits here and there. However she's seen me reading the Bible at night, she's seen me praying and she's seen me crying as I pray for the kids. All I've told her about it is that the truth scared the living day lights out of me and it's worse than she can imagine.
Today she sent me this message (I would screenshot it, but it's in Afrikaans, our native language) "I'm really glad that there are people, who like you, question things and start waking up. It's brought a very positive change in you in general, in our relationship and in our lives. I know you discovered horrifying things and it haunts you, but it really feels to me as if a light has entered your life and our relationship. The best way I can describe it is if someone opened a door oor a window to let light in. I'm so grateful and privaleged to know you are willing to wade through so much horrible info and absorb it cause you want to find the truth. I love you and I couldn't ask for a better husband."
My point being, I dunno your circumstances, or what has transpired in your life. But let the awakening draw you closer to God and let that light change the people around you. Sometimes you can't hit people over the head with the red pill, sometimes your life has to be the red pill.
Blessings and love, frens
Thanks for a Great Share. Happy for u both. There are silver linings to GA.
The confirmation of the evil beyond belief will push more people back to God more than any pastor could.
Always hated church ( i don't like being FORCED to do anything ), but ALWAYS lived life and spoke with God as if he sat on my shoulder.
After many red pills instead of speaking with him every other month or 2 it quickly went to daily. First it was to allow me to cope with the info that I KNEW to be true ( those who know cannot sleep ). Some serious soul searching went on after those revelations. Then it was of course, for the kids.
Nowadays it's for the Kids and for the masses to see the light and for them to gain the will & courage to break free, which in turn helps the planet as a whole.
This is why I have always viewed MSM as pretty much satan. They are the biggest firewall to truth = freedom.
Side note for OP - Giving a brief run down of how things went with wifey too.
For years she did not want to hear it. It's not like she did not believe me, it was just too painful for her. She has to look away at road kill, because she feels so sorry for it, just to put things into perspective for ya.
She said she knows it's real, felt she could not do anything about it, and asked I not give her anymore red pills. She saw no gain from talking about it except pain.
FF years later and now that it's talked about everywhere ( her F & F ) she finally came to me asking questions. Over the course of 1 week we watched a bunch of red pill videos and movies as I let her pause and ask questions anytime throughout.
We have always been on the same page, but this has just strengthened that. I told her I know it broke her heart, but I was proud of her for showing courage to do the right thing.
When I got to explain how knowing and sharing the info actually helps the children she was onboard. Of course explaining Trump, Q, and Our Movement was in there too.
I came home 1 day and she was shopping for Q gear on her own. Hit me right square in the feels.
This is the next step for me. Wanna show her the first part of fall of the cabal this weekend.
The sequel to the fall of the Cabal is what got me going. Really like the history and research she put into it. Here's a link if you haven't seen it already. Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal part 1
Check the sources on Fall of the Cabal before you go sharing it. The first time she talks about the Jesuits she uses talking point from a guy who was caught many times committing fraud and other crime. His testimony cannot be considered valid, if you ask me. Did she take the time to check out the history or did she just repeat what she read on the internet somewhere? Either way, not a good look.
Exactly. My wife, daughter and I were already a bit red pilled before all this happened. But this has really opened our eyes to the evil out there and how much of it exists. It's hard waking up and finally seeing things as they really are. There's a grieving that goes along with it, because it's a loss of our own innocence to face such heinous things that are happening. Things we would never even imagine. My daughter is almost done with her BS in psych and she plans to continue her education. But her goal is to work with kids--and especially the ones that have been damaged by the child trafficking that takes place. So facing truth can have some good outcomes, even as painful as it can be. We would get depressed and have to stop for a few days to process what we found at times. But people need to be aware. They need to get angry. So something is finally done about it. Look at all the children who were saved because Trump's first EO's were about stopping human trafficking--especially of children. This was one reason he focused on a wall at the border. Because 1/3 of human trafficking involves children and half of all Federal crimes occur at the border.
If you ever get a chance, read Cheri Seymour's book about The Last Circle and Danny Casolaro's murder, among many others. His "octopus" is what we now call the "cabal." That's what really began our red pill phase. From there we found the Finder's Cult, then the Franklin scandal, where boys from Boys Town orphanage were abused. But the guy behind that was never charged with pedophilia--just the fraud at the savings & loan. I read a few years ago the perv who put it all together, Larry King, was out of prison. And get this--he was working with children!