Some hope. I'm gonna share a very private and intimate message with all of you.
My wife is largely apolitical and her red pill pretty much consisted of just believing that orange man isn't that bad. After the november election I started digging for the truth, discovered Q, took the red pill, discovered pizza gate.
My wife isn't very religious, but she is very spiritual with a strong sixth sense, if that makes sense.
I walked away from God a decade ago. Discovering how deep evil truly goes sent me back to him. I haven't told my wife much, just little bits here and there. However she's seen me reading the Bible at night, she's seen me praying and she's seen me crying as I pray for the kids. All I've told her about it is that the truth scared the living day lights out of me and it's worse than she can imagine.
Today she sent me this message (I would screenshot it, but it's in Afrikaans, our native language) "I'm really glad that there are people, who like you, question things and start waking up. It's brought a very positive change in you in general, in our relationship and in our lives. I know you discovered horrifying things and it haunts you, but it really feels to me as if a light has entered your life and our relationship. The best way I can describe it is if someone opened a door oor a window to let light in. I'm so grateful and privaleged to know you are willing to wade through so much horrible info and absorb it cause you want to find the truth. I love you and I couldn't ask for a better husband."
My point being, I dunno your circumstances, or what has transpired in your life. But let the awakening draw you closer to God and let that light change the people around you. Sometimes you can't hit people over the head with the red pill, sometimes your life has to be the red pill.
Blessings and love, frens
I'm glad you recognize this. Its worrisome to me that most Christians question God simply because they don't understand free will. Free will allows us to make our own choices under our own accord. The point is, you either show allegiance to God or you don't.
When people say, "If your God is so great. Why would he let school shootings happen!?" The answer is free will.
It is on this Crux that I believe so strongly in individual liberty. You can't wield government to try and stop unfairness and make everything okay, God Himself doesn't even do that with His supreme authority over creation itself. What we can do, however, is try to preserve our ability to choose to be fair and nice and charitable, while hopefully.mitigting the effects we have on others when we infringe on their freedom.
but telling others that if god exist so does evil, as god created us, we accepted evil.
god did not create evil, his creation loosed evil.
Let go of the idea of a Perfectly Moral Supreme Being because we are projecting our own understanding of morality onto that Being. Open to all possibilities and perhaps we will understand that we are all Divine Creation / Creator with Free Will attaining Wisdom.
only way I will do that is if someone can tell me of where time, space and matter exist. then provide me with proof of a place where one of those three does not exist.
Exactly so. I always tell people WE are supposed to be God's hands and feet here on earth. It's OUR responsibility to fight back against any type of darkness. We were given dominion over everything here by God for a time, But humans have given so much over to darkness because of their free will, as you say. Just look at Cain and Able.