Some hope. I'm gonna share a very private and intimate message with all of you.
My wife is largely apolitical and her red pill pretty much consisted of just believing that orange man isn't that bad. After the november election I started digging for the truth, discovered Q, took the red pill, discovered pizza gate.
My wife isn't very religious, but she is very spiritual with a strong sixth sense, if that makes sense.
I walked away from God a decade ago. Discovering how deep evil truly goes sent me back to him. I haven't told my wife much, just little bits here and there. However she's seen me reading the Bible at night, she's seen me praying and she's seen me crying as I pray for the kids. All I've told her about it is that the truth scared the living day lights out of me and it's worse than she can imagine.
Today she sent me this message (I would screenshot it, but it's in Afrikaans, our native language) "I'm really glad that there are people, who like you, question things and start waking up. It's brought a very positive change in you in general, in our relationship and in our lives. I know you discovered horrifying things and it haunts you, but it really feels to me as if a light has entered your life and our relationship. The best way I can describe it is if someone opened a door oor a window to let light in. I'm so grateful and privaleged to know you are willing to wade through so much horrible info and absorb it cause you want to find the truth. I love you and I couldn't ask for a better husband."
My point being, I dunno your circumstances, or what has transpired in your life. But let the awakening draw you closer to God and let that light change the people around you. Sometimes you can't hit people over the head with the red pill, sometimes your life has to be the red pill.
Blessings and love, frens
Hmmm, correct, I worded that in a weird way. I can't claim to be an expert on the subject, but I can try to give my perspective on the matter of good and evil.
God, a being that exists outside the realm of space and time, is basically the author of the story that is our universe. He knows all the events and characters and how the whole story is going to play out. He created us because he wanted to make beings indowed with a divine spark; beings with free will and reason that can have a close and personal relationship with Him. In doing so, he also knew that at some point we would fall from Eden and be confronted with the choices of good and evil.
Earlier I said that free will cannot exist without moral evil, which is true. I genuinely believe that God, having seen the grand flow of events, gave us moral good and virtue partly because he knew that one day we would be confronted with the potential for evil. God is always good, but the same cannot be said for us. Moral good and virtue in humans, to me, exist as a framework that we can use to live a better life and get back on the path towards God - a divine compass of sorts.
That's just my perspective on the matter. In any situation we can choose good over evil, but because of the nature of free will there will inevitably be people that choose evil. This is not the fault of God, but the fault of man.
Evil exists because it is a nessecary aspect of free will. You can't have a creature with free will that is also unable to be evil much in the same way that you can't have a four sided circle.
God doesn't create evil, we do. Jeffery Epstein chose to be a horrible person of his own free will. He chose to do awful things even though he had the freedom of will to not do so. Remove his ability to make those choices and you remove his free will and agency, thus rendering the whole reason we were made pointless.
I think I may be the odd man out here. I'm agnostic. I think a person can know what is good or bad/evil, moral or immoral, without a religion. I grew up in a secular home, and my mother is one of the kindest generous people I know. My dad is quiet and humble.. They taught me values. Work hard, Help others. Be a good listener. And try to stay optimistic when things get tough....because someone always has it tougher than you.
I'm a Libertarian. But I also step up when needed. I believe in small gov't, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. I'm not a fan of authoritarian rule, be it gov't or religion.
You might be surprised to hear that everything you just advocated for has roots in Christianity. Hope and charity are two of the cardinal virtues. Limited government, personal freedom, and personal responsibility are all concepts that stem from early Christianity and were carried forward to the founding of our country.
It's not a stretch to say that western civilization and much of the things we love about it would not exist as we know it without Christianity. If you're interested in learning more I would highly recommend "What's so great about Christianity?" By Dinesh D'souza. It goes into detail about just how far-reaching and profound the impact of Christianity has been on the advancement of human society.