ado4586 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would you surrender America to another country? I wouldn't. So why would you expect others to do that for their country? Just wondering.

ado4586 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not the right age to be Putin. Putin was born in 1952. Reagan was in office from 1981 - 1989. Putin would be 29 to 37 during this period. You're waaaaay off buddy.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get what he's trying to say, but to be honest, Greenberg's lawyer is saying his client is making a plea deal, and plea deals often means there's some kinda evidence.

I'm sincere in my desire to rid this country of predators. I hate the Clintons and think they need to be jailed and have the key thrown away for their disgusting pedo and sex trafficking they've gotten away with. I'm hoping Gaetz is innocent, but if the evidence proves otherwise, I will call him out, cuz no one gets a free pass from me.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only problem with this theory is that the DOJ had opened up the sex trafficking investigation under Bill Barr's DOJ. But you can ask why the beans got spilled now? That's legit.

ado4586 5 points ago +5 / -0

He STILL needs to address the sex trafficking investigation.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

For your first suggestion to work, you need a lock off. I don't think the videos of Biden are lock off. The 2nd video is a comedy piece, but point taken and I agree.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I may be the odd man out here. I'm agnostic. I think a person can know what is good or bad/evil, moral or immoral, without a religion. I grew up in a secular home, and my mother is one of the kindest generous people I know. My dad is quiet and humble.. They taught me values. Work hard, Help others. Be a good listener. And try to stay optimistic when things get tough....because someone always has it tougher than you.

I'm a Libertarian. But I also step up when needed. I believe in small gov't, personal responsibility, and individual freedom. I'm not a fan of authoritarian rule, be it gov't or religion.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

What about Ivanka and Jared? What are your thoughts on that?

ado4586 11 points ago +11 / -0

At the same time, the current situation can't continue for months, and God forbid, years. At some point arrests have to be made, the military will step up, trials have to take place, and Trump goes back to the White House.

Something has to happen.....and I'm hoping it will happen in the next month or two....at least some of the arrests.

ado4586 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looking forward for the arrests to begin. Time for the popcorn.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

When a car gets totalled in an accident, it makes more sense to just buy a new one than try to fix the heap of metal.

ado4586 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I do think she existed. There's too many videos of her pre-1/6. The question is HOW she was involved and what about her family/friends.

ado4586 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair, his son committed suicide. That's hard for anyone. I lost my husband to suicide, and it shakes you to your core.

ado4586 2 points ago +2 / -0

Though they showed the video, I think today is about the Constitutionality of the impeachment.