I can see that. Biden held his "rally's" in parking lots for his ten rally goers, so I could see us evil gun toting raving lunatics attacking parking lots. Got to get them libs. Save the parking lots!!
Listen man, I waited all day yesterday for you clowns outside the capital dressed in my 1776 outfit and you’ll didn’t show up. Are you guys trying to fake me out again? S/
Using their new definition, the Democrats will call every empty parking lot in the USA a Republican-led insurrection.
I can see that. Biden held his "rally's" in parking lots for his ten rally goers, so I could see us evil gun toting raving lunatics attacking parking lots. Got to get them libs. Save the parking lots!!
Listen man, I waited all day yesterday for you clowns outside the capital dressed in my 1776 outfit and you’ll didn’t show up. Are you guys trying to fake me out again? S/
Please send footage from behind the barricades http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62080
Lines up with my earlier thread
What's the origin of the pic on the right and what's it have to do with 5/6?