First off, I wouldn't take it. This is nothing more than an a little bit of an aggressive form of the flu. It's why they're not even focused on the flu anymore. Because it's a form of it. The biggest difference with what's going on now is they are dwelling on (for the money, the political gain and control of people.) all the numbers. They don't talk about people dying with Covid but blaming any disease, illness on Covid. There's no honesty in that....but it's not shocking.
Now for those who are truly wanting the vaccine, for whatever reason, I'd like to suggest something to you. I've know of two people in our area who died after receiving the SECOND dosage of the vaccination. I think it's the Second vaccine that puts the immune system in shock, it can't handle it and therefore kills the person (not all, but more than I am comfortable with.) The first vaccination gives you about 80 percent of protection. If you really feel like you need to take a vaccination, I'd strongly encourage you to just take the first shot. Even if you take both shots, you still have to 'wear the mask, socially distance, and blah blah blah.'? so why take 2 when nothing changes?
Just some thoughts to share with you all.
It's this aspect that is most concerning to me, when a vaccinated person actually comes into contact with the "wild" virus, apparently the immune system goes into overdrive and the reaction can be incredibly severe. This reaction has a name but I can't remember it right now, maybe someone else can, from all the different things I have read.
It has many names helps to keep you from connecting them as the same problem.
ADE: Antibody Dependent Enhancement Also known as these: Hyper Immune Response Virus Interference Pathogenic Priming Disease Enhancement Vaccine enhanced disease
Some links about it can be found here:
List of possible side effects Circa: Dec 8 2020 FDA working list of possible side effects
Thanks, will take a look.
Cytokine storm.
Yes exactly that, thanks.