Can you guys tell me what benefits us to be in control of Xio Bidang, and his fake Presidency? And PLEASE dont say, "To wake the normies up." This question comes up all of the time and Ive never really seen a rational answer to this. ThanQ.
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I'll simply say this.
At every point over these past several months since I've learned there was "a plan", I've prayed "Dear God, now would be a good time." And then, at every point I've also been able to look back and say "Oh, how smart was it that they didn't cut it off then, because just look how much more evidence there is now, how much more damning the case, how many more people have been uncomfortably awoken because this ridiculous thing was pushed out by a few more weeks."
Just one tiny example. If you said, two months ago, that the Democrats and the President of the United States, and Amazon, and eBay and all, would declare Dr. Seuss to be racist, everybody would have screamed that you were nuts. But now, forever more, the American Left have shown that nothing is off limits, that they will book-burn anything, for any reason, or for none at all. And that this is just the start!
So, when will Q and the patriots finally say "enough"? I have no idea. But just trust, the date will be VERY WELL CONSIDERED. And it's one day closer than it was yesterday.