Right now covid restrictions are easing - so expect medical false flags.
I am getting rumors now that southern Texas is seeing the “Covid-21” that we saw mentioned in early digs.
Think about it. If you were the new world order - would you stage a single virus? Or would you release a weak one, shift society, then systematically release more until you siezed power in a way you end up with control of a totalitarian regime so powerful it makes the Reichstag scenario kiddie pool games?
Who wrote obama care? Medical industry.
Who ran nazi concentration camps? Medical industry
Who sat around the Nüremberg trials drafting nazi scientists like it was a draft for the NFL? Medical industry
Who speculated prices in the US to be the worst care and most expensive per capita in the world? Medical industry
Who staged Event 201? Medical industry.
Who did Bill Gates “ditch” software to find more money in? Medical industry
So - pardon my logic and pleas correct me if I am wrong.
Every single goal in AGENDA21 is achievable via medical false flags.
Control of production.
Consolidation of society.
Immediate rendition of opposition.
Corbett Report - Rockefeller Medicine
What if the covid vaccines are mRNA designed to “soften up” the population for more? What if it’s just a lifting agent to make the next salvos of COVID-21 and beyond worse?
What’s worse than enslaving a country? Killing them and profiting off their slow deaths as you squeeze ever last bit of worth out of them as you condition their children in schools, wearing masks, to never critically think and accept IngSoc unquestionably?
Yeah, they could do this.
Really, they want a way to strong-arm us "vaccine hesitant" types. Like making life impossible for us, they'll use their terrified normies to enforce it.
Aldous Huxley ( whose brother literally helped found UNESCO ) called us “Savages”.
Long term plan throw us into reservations?