I don't want this to be taken as low effort because there have been so many BOOMs in the past few months that I think it's worth a thought.
Y'all ever notice how the words wood and boom almost look mirrored?
Think mirror.
Those who know can not sleep.
Still reserving judgement about Lin Good. Though I do 'like' him, and he says things we all want to hear and/or that validate our prior beliefs - it seems like caution is wise amid information warfare.
China, British so-called 'crown' agents, globalist/fascists, rogue cia et al would love for the public to have our faith undermined toward every public leader and sector of society except them. Leaderless sheep, deprived of truth.
Lin Good does sound very sincere and impassioned. However with so much information coming to us from just one source - a concern is whether he's ever been subjected to mind control programming (voluntarily or not).
An mk-ultra type agent could be very sincere-sounding and even to believing inwhat they say (think Christine Blasey-Ford and her convenient hypnotherapist / false memories friend!) for injecting packets of disinformation into the mix. Plus Lin's sources may also in part be disinfo, who can say?
I hope Lin's entire 'conversion' (political & religious) is entirely genuine, but for now will just stay open and try to discern.