I don't care if I walk into a room full of the virus, I'm not the least bit afraid of it. There's supposed to be thousands and thousands of people having died from the virus; so where are the bodies? The morticians must be working 12 hour shifts around the clock, but you never hear anything from them.
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When the KungFlu came around the corner I watched the YieldCurve. It was inverse [they] had to intervene. So i knew from day one that it's Climatechange vol.2: a Fear-Machine to control We, The Peolpe. Later I saw Chinese people dying on the street. Like flies. Hahaha. Fakepictures, no doubt, to spread the agenda round the world. Than I saw a young Chinese "freedom and truth-Fighter" broadcasting from China to the World how bad it is and how criminal the CCP is. Hahaha. Who would believe he would be able to without being arrested suddenly. On the top he was sitting in his room, alone, in front of his desk with a mask on. Hahaha. He hasn't an antivirus-program from Mr. Gates. Astonishing how many people buy this BS and fear to death. Stupidity is endless. Einstein was right.