So, before the election, I used to read a lot, for relaxation and as a mental escape. Mostly historical fiction, but a sprinkling of other genres, too. Since November 3rd, I have found that I'm not able to focus for any real length of time on a novel, because I don't want to miss a thing with the events of real life. A side-effect of being 'awake,' I suppose. And, here on GAW, I'm not at all lacking for things to read and think about.
All of what I've been reading and learning has got me thinking about what comes next. I'm working off the assumption (and I do fully believe) that the Q plan is going to come to fruition, and we're going to get our country back, and our rightful president, too. And when that happens, all of the normies who have just joined the party are going to need a lot explained to them about "what just happened?" (Because to them, I believe, the reveal will be sudden and jarring.) We'll all do what we can to explain things to them, as gently as possible, but we're probably going to reach a point when we will want to tell them to "just read the book."
And that brings me to my point. Someone, or a few someone's, will write all of this down for mass consumption, and IMO, are going to make a mint. I, for one, am looking forward to reading it, especially flipping to the end at will. (I'm sure more than a few of us wish we could do that IRL right now!) I'm very curious to know which living author (or authors) you think could do this story justice. I'll go first: I think Erik Larson (Devil in the White City, Dead Wake, Thunderstruck and others) does a fantastic job weaving together seemingly unrelated plot lines into a coherent narrative, and his footnotes are often as detailed and interesting as the main story itself. I think he'd be able to craft the story of the stolen election and all the pedo stuff into a riveting read for even a normie population to grasp. I don't know Larson's politics, I'm just going off the merits of his work. And I don't necessarily believe that all topics, or even more than one topic would need to be combined in one book. There's a ginormous amount of material to cover.
I'm not in the publishing world myself, but if any publishing frens are reading this, you can thank us later for the research assistance!
Same here, can’t focus on some made up shit, when reality is so exciting. Struggling with an old Russian novel now, but it’s the same with new movies. Thank god for the classics.
Hear, hear! There's not a whole lot published in the last few years that I'm interested in reading or watching.