Not sure if this is the right place to post but it ties into everything that's going on in the world and I need some help. I hope this post won't be deleted and I'll keep it as short as possible. This is my own personal experience.
I've had interest in psychedelics for a few years now and have dabbled because of my curiosity to understand the nature of consciousness. I heard of DMT 2 years ago from a friend who was experienced and it's been on my mind since. Long story short I tried low doses around the holidays and a month ago I went for a full breakthrough. For anyone who doesn't know it's when you take a high dose and wake up in another dimension. You are not inebriated and nothing is distorted. You literally wake up in the spirit world with no body, no memory but your ability to think is intact. It's hyper real, meaning it feels more real than this reality. Probably because it is. I won't go into too much detail but I basically got hypnotized and possessed by an entity/demon. I tried my best to rationalize it away as a "bad trip" and I had convinced myself to do it again even though it was the most frightening moment of my entire life, but this is when things started spilling over into the real world. The next time I drove after that incident, I hit an owl with my car and broke my grille. I have never hit a bird before in all my years of driving and this one suicided itself on my car.
Fast forward to last week, I was almost ready to muster up the courage to do it again because it was just a trip. Right? By a miraculous chance I ran across a random comment on a random youtube video I clicked on without even thinking. There was a guy that had the EXACT same experience I had with the EXACT same entity. That's the thing with DMT, many people across the world experience the same things and entities on it. Except I read thousands of trip reports and not once did I see something similar to mine until now. I was curious enough to get in touch with him. Well I did, he was across the world from me and we had a video chat. Not only did it try to trick him into a pact but when he refused he got attacked in the identical way I did. I was screaming for Christ to save me as soon as I met it so it never had the chance to try to deceive. In my case it just started to attack because it knew that I knew what it was. The messed up part? He told me that the day after he did it, he hit a bird. All the hair on my neck stood up as it started to sink in. I am convinced that was not just a "trip" anymore. He had more experiences like being told that his relative is there and that his uncle was a child molester. He found out the uncle molested his daughters later when he died, and the relative turned out to have died in the year he didn't speak to them. I got no way to prove what he said but from my own experiences with the substance I have no doubts it's true. After all this, I found out today that the person who told me about it and how great it is has had signs from beyond as well, even though he claims the entities aren't real. Life for me has been weird since I did it but I only have myself to blame. Less notable things have happened but that are not worth mentioning to keep this as short as possible.
How many coincidences and synchronicities before I believe? Well, that's about enough for me. No wonder the elites worship these things, they are real and terrifying. I'm done with all my experiments and I'm so glad that someone from above was watching me and warned me before going in again. This is a warning for anyone else who wants to play with this stuff. I really fucked up here, PLEASE pray for me!
EDIT: thank you all for the advice and support! This is why I posted my experience on the Q board, because of the amazing free thinkers that dwell here. Wwg1wga, nothing can stop what is coming for the evil in this world!
In late August, I heard GOD's call to war. I joined His Army and turned everything over to Him so that I could be an effective soldier. I had been aware that demonic forces were at work in the world, that the great delusion had gone out and that three of the four horses of the apocalypse were riding (they have been riding for a long time), but my calling has always been understanding not prayer warfare. I'm an intelligence officer, not artillery or infantry.
Then I was shown that the kids rioting in the streets (I live just north of Portland) were demonically enthralled. They had been programmed by Marxist education theory (which is demonic) since they were three. So were their teachers doing the programming. It's not just them, but many people pushing the darkness. They need to be freed from their bonds and brought into the light. The demonic forces enthralling them must be directly confronted.
My first assignments in GOD's Army were to give some messages to the Church to wake her up and to encourage Christians to prepare for battle. And to engage in spiritual warfare against the powers of darkness. I was supposed to cross train as artillery and start bombing the enemy fortress with prayer to soften them up. I began pleading the Blood of the Lamb of GOD over those in bondage, and I began confronting and binding demons.
This is just the first stage of war. It really hasn't started yet. It's about to. We will soon need the infantry, those who go out to the lost and give their personal testimony of the Good News in love and truth.
I feel that there will be a world wide persecution of those spreading the Good News. Many Christian will be losing their lives for staying true to Jesus and the Word. But, like Coyotes, the more they are persecuted, the larger their population grows. There is a mathematical law behind this. NCSWIC.
Oh I forgot, the demonic realm is a subspace of the spiritual. It's hard to explain. Sorry.
P.S. N.B. my user name :)
Have faith in GOD. He always Wins. When things get bad, remember that it is because we are over the target. We are mighty because He who is in us is Mighty.