Every pedo has a 20 lb weight of unbreakable material as a collar. on an island, in a subterainium cave, with frigid water rushing past.
people lying to you to knowingly fleece possesions with no regards to holding their end of the bargain or to seperate you from your possesions, would have a counter(incremental device) attached to them signifying how many times/how often they try/succede. (similar to the sims icon) that other people can understand what it signifies.
Coke would be ok with however white your whiteness is.
All pedos genitals wither and rot and they become covered with oozing maggoty legions and are forced to walk the earth like that for 20 years while anyone who isnt a pedo suddenly finds a rock in his hand when a pedo passes by, is immediately blessed with the arm of Nolan Ryan in his prime and the accuracy of William Tell and has an irresistable urge to chuck that rock right at the pedos head. After 20 years God can judge them.
That all the children that have been used and abused completely forget the pain they have suffered and find comfort, safety and happiness
That President Trump gets 8 more years to set the world on a course that provides fairness for all people and as the People beg him to be President for life, he walks away setting the precedent for all time that the job is about the People not the ego or personal power or wealth
If I could get 3 wishes,
Every pedo has a 20 lb weight of unbreakable material as a collar. on an island, in a subterainium cave, with frigid water rushing past.
people lying to you to knowingly fleece possesions with no regards to holding their end of the bargain or to seperate you from your possesions, would have a counter(incremental device) attached to them signifying how many times/how often they try/succede. (similar to the sims icon) that other people can understand what it signifies.
Coke would be ok with however white your whiteness is.
3 wishes?
All pedos genitals wither and rot and they become covered with oozing maggoty legions and are forced to walk the earth like that for 20 years while anyone who isnt a pedo suddenly finds a rock in his hand when a pedo passes by, is immediately blessed with the arm of Nolan Ryan in his prime and the accuracy of William Tell and has an irresistable urge to chuck that rock right at the pedos head. After 20 years God can judge them.
That all the children that have been used and abused completely forget the pain they have suffered and find comfort, safety and happiness
That President Trump gets 8 more years to set the world on a course that provides fairness for all people and as the People beg him to be President for life, he walks away setting the precedent for all time that the job is about the People not the ego or personal power or wealth
soo whats your third unrealistic wish. its just blank.