Is this what we re seeing right now with the lock downs? States, one by one, standing up for freedom. County and state officials pushing for election change. If this is it, if this is the way, it will take time, but it will be worth it. We must go through the dark to get to the light.
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If you live in a heavily blue area, print out some Biden pictures like this one and the more recent ones taken from the vids of him stroking and sniffing girls, but preferably without any writing. The writing will show bias, whereas just the image on its own leads the viewer to have to assess the scenario for themselves. Wherever you go, casually leave copies of the pictures lying around - in the store, in waiting rooms, on news stands. Folk will look at them and think "??", some might even take them back home or to friends and say "My God, did you see this??"
Silent death by a thousand sheets ?