Is this what we re seeing right now with the lock downs? States, one by one, standing up for freedom. County and state officials pushing for election change. If this is it, if this is the way, it will take time, but it will be worth it. We must go through the dark to get to the light.
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That is a very good question. You have to understand the jurisdiction the Citizen Grand Jury works in. It functions in the land jurisdiction where the original Republic and the living people exist. The States have incorporated under the Federal Corporation and the Governors are the Chief Executive of those State Corporations. You are a living being but your name JOHN M. DOE exists as a corporate entity in the maritime jurisdiction and that is who the Corporations deal with. Look into understanding your strawman. Tons of info out there. This is not the place to explain all of that.
Originally the citizen Grand Jury was meant to function so we could administer our public servants so I believe we could force them to look but one of the questions I have always had, and do not have an answer to, is if we convene a Common Law Grand Jury, and that jury of the people come to a conclusion and direct the public servants, how is the order enforced. It is decided 6 to 3 by the SCOTUS that this is legitimate but will they just ignore the people?
I don't know the answer to these questions. I think the way to find out is to start doing it and complete the process. This is why I posted because I think we should all be researching this avenue of peaceful action to have our Corporate Government act on our behalf. It will be interesting to see what comes of the Texas Grand Jury. There is also a CLGJ in New York that has been working to get things going.
I don't know how far along they are but they have been working at this for a while.