I believe the reason these young women and men in the military are being asked to restate their Oath to the Constitution is because it's on them now. They either know, have been told or have some sense of what's going on. Although they love this country, this must all feel very weird to them. There was both foreign and domestic enemies in the election steal. Imagine if you were the age between 20 and 30 and your commanding officer was giving you your orders to help bring your own countries government back from complete destruction, even
in its intel departments and it's justice system.
I believe the reason these young women and men in the military are being asked to restate their Oath to the Constitution is because it's on them now. They either know, have been told or have some sense of what's going on. Although they love this country, this must all feel very weird to them. There was both foreign and domestic enemies in the election steal. Imagine if you were the age between 20 and 30 and your commanding officer was giving you your orders to help bring your own countries government back from complete destruction, even in its intel departments and it's justice system.
Imagine what they will all be telling their children some day!