'Open mind'? It's dumb because there's no evidence this stupid corporation theory is even remotely true, and it's really quite embarrassing that so many people bought into it. Can anyone with an actual law degree confirm its validity instead of armchair fags like you? The whole reason March 4 was even a hyped up date is because of you morons claiming Trump will be the 19th President. This whole super duper uber secret 19th President thing is just people fantasizing because everyone is trying to make sense of the current predicament. Come back to reality and actually use real facts in discussions, not cumming over politi-fantasies.
I'll strongly disagree that there's "no evidence" (sounds eerily familiar to what MSM said/says about voter fraud, illegal spying on trump, etc) and leave you to your unwarranted arrogance. not a good look, especially on this site
'Open mind'? It's dumb because there's no evidence this stupid corporation theory is even remotely true, and it's really quite embarrassing that so many people bought into it. Can anyone with an actual law degree confirm its validity instead of armchair fags like you? The whole reason March 4 was even a hyped up date is because of you morons claiming Trump will be the 19th President. This whole super duper uber secret 19th President thing is just people fantasizing because everyone is trying to make sense of the current predicament. Come back to reality and actually use real facts in discussions, not cumming over politi-fantasies.
I'll strongly disagree that there's "no evidence" (sounds eerily familiar to what MSM said/says about voter fraud, illegal spying on trump, etc) and leave you to your unwarranted arrogance. not a good look, especially on this site